What Happens Between The Headlines.
Kim & Kirsta need you to understand this episode comes with a significant **Trigger Warning**. Practice self-care and listen in segments if you must. The information is important but can be difficult to hear on your own. Talk to friends, take a walk, do some adult coloring, whatever helps you de-stress.
When we see media headlines discussing sexual assault, we often can’t grasp everything that goes on behind the scenes. On the 10th anniversary of Kim’s rape, she used the hashtag #Kim10 on Twitter to help shed a light on just one day in the life of an assault victim. The response to her transparency was overwhelming. See a local news story on her tweetstorm here: https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/front-range/greeley/rape-survivor-tweets-minute-by-minute-account-of-assault-to-commemorate-10-year-anniversary.
Kirsta details an art exhibit called “What Were You Wearing” that takes the onus off of the victims and helps desexualize assault. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/powerful-art-exhibit-powerfully-answers-the-question-what-were-you-wearing_us_59baddd2e4b02da0e1405d2a
Law enforcement’s interview questions have evolved over the years. Still, they can be construed as victim-blaming. The girls break down why they must ask the questions they do.
An introduction to Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) and the work they do for victims dominates this episode. There are 13 steps to SANE evidence collection, and each is vitally important. However, it’s the nurses themselves who make this process bearable and help victims every step of the way. Get more information on the process from RAINN’s website: https://www.rainn.org/articles/rape-kit. Kim also gets a little choked up talking about her own SANE nurse and describes the rise of the hashtag #BeAJennifer.
Among other medications and treatments following a medical assault examination, the hot topic of ‘Plan B’ is broached.
K&K discuss the statute of limitations and a frank statement from a soapbox is made.
It’s not all bad! Shout out to our friend, Caroline Craig (@ceejaycraig) for being LASKI’s first “Good News” ambassador. She’ll be helping K&K gather uplifting stories to share with listeners. This week, Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) became the first sitting US Senator to give birth while in office and stated: “I have won historic elections, but it feels like these “firsts” are so overdue. I never set out to be the first in anything, and with a lot of these “firsts,” it really makes me wonder how it’s taken so long”. We want–no–NEED, those paraphrased words on a t-shirt. STAT.
Slay, Your Honor, SLAY
Shout outs to the Weld County District Attorney’s Office and the Greeley Police Department for their work on this 33-year-old cold case.33 years after her rape by two strangers, a Weld County woman finally saw justice. At the final hearing for one of these monsters, Weld District Court Judge Thomas Quammen said the maximum sentence is necessary. He then stated, “Unfortunately, there are men in our culture who don’t understand that woman are not here to be their toys. You’re going to deserve to serve every day of that sentence because when you’re done the victim’s sentence is not over yet.” SLAY, YOUR HONOR, SLAY. http://kdvr.com/2017/07/21/man-sentenced-in-1984-sexual-assault-in-weld-county-second-suspect-awaiting-trial/
“I’m Tired Of Being First At Everything”.
Someone, make it so. Read more on the Future Female Leader blog here: http://futurefemaleleader.com/senator-duckworth-becomes-first-sitting-senator-give-birth-office/
Chessy Prout is releasing a memoir called “I Have The Right To: A High School Survivor’s Story of Sexual Assault, Justice, and Hope” and we are SO HERE FOR THIS. Order Chessy’s Book here: https://www.amazon.com/Have-Right-Survivors-Assault-Justice/dp/1534414436
Lastly, Kim gives her mama some love for her volunteer work for their local sexual assault advocacy center.
The next #LASKILive is happening TONIGHT! Tune in on Facebook for this SAAM-themed broadcast you won’t want to miss. https://www.facebook.com/LASKIpodcast/
The Survivor Bourbon & Boweties Bangle is available here: kimberlycorban.com/shop