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It’s been a tough year. Between all the lockdowns and social distancing, I am missing my friends and family more than ever. We keep in great touch virtually, but it just isn’t quite the same.

Add in an especially-crushing reminder of how cruel the world can be, and I could have easily thrown in the towel and just given up.

But my little ones are watching.

So I took care of them, I took care of me, and with Mike’s help, we are fighting back and finding joy in everything we do.


This International Women’s Day, I asked my closest tribe of incredible women to send me a 5-second video of themselves with the intention of creating a message that speaks directly to my daughter and every other woman out there. My heart was overwhelmed when every single one of them came through.


“Little girl, you can do amazing things. And it’s my turn to show you how.

See these women? They’re my people. Some live close, some live far, and some live only in our hearts. These are the women who have loved me and supported me and pushed me and empowered me. They made me into who I am today. Who I am for you. And they all used to be little girls too.

The world may have tried its hardest to break us but we’ve grown stronger together.

So in the moments when you feel like you’re not enough, remember these women, use your voice, and burn whatever injustices stand in your way to the ground. Because you may not know it yet, but you can courageously breathe fire.

My hope is that you surround yourself with girls who grow into incredible women, just like these, and you love each other ferociously.

Because someday with their help, it will be your turn to tell your daughter that she too, can do amazing things and breathe fire.”

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Kimberly Corban

Kimberly Corban is a sexual assault survivor turned crime victim advocate. A widely-acclaimed speaker, her keynotes and sought-after commentary provide timeless messages of inspiration, education, and actionable change. Kimberly is a Colorado wife and mother who loves sarcasm, movie quotes, and golfing with her husband Michael.

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