Image Credits: Turning Point USA

To the Ladies of FFL,

I am truly thankful for the opportunities I’ve had to meet and interact with so many of you over the last year. You are truly the driving force behind the conservative millennial movement, and that is no small task.

As most of you may know, I am a college sexual assault survivor and victim’s advocate before anything else. My only goal in speaking out following my rapist’s conviction in 2007 was to help at least one other person not have to suffer the same way I had, and thankfully this has proven to be a successful plight time and again.

Sadly, I know a large number of you have been victimized at some point in your lives and that the political events of last weekend may have shaken you just as they did me.  Many of you reached out to me asking for my reaction or ways to thoughtfully contribute to the conversations online or in person in light of the leaked audio of the presidential candidate discussing sexual assault. I took some time to gather my words, and I wish to share the article I posted on yesterday where I am a columnist. I echo your founder Amanda’s eloquent letter in telling you that the greatest quality of Future Female Leaders is the freedom to be who you really are and make your own choices. You will always have our support.

If you allow your principles to guide you through your lives, then you can breathe easily knowing you’ve at least made one person happy—yourself.

Let’s cut to the chase—this has become the worst presidential election this country has ever seen.

My brief reprieve from the election spending time with family in the Rocky Mountains this past weekend was short lived. Upon my return Sunday, I found out the political world had exploded.

I read about the leaked audio of Donald Trump and Billy Bush coupled with the condemnation and calls to drop out of the presidential race, but I waited to actually watch the video. And when I finally did, I was appalled—disgusted, yet sadly not surprised.

You see, I’m used to this kind of rhetoric—from bartending amidst drunken patrons in college, to a former relationship with a morally bankrupt individual, this isn’t worth my time crying over. And my guess is that sadly, most other women are used to this kind of talk too. We grow up learning to deflect unwanted sexual advances and are constantly bombarded with projections of worth based solely on our looks instead of our minds. This is not news to us, it’s just normal.

Click here to read the rest of Kimberly’s article on Townhall.

Keep fighting the good fight, ladies.

If you or someone you know is in need of sexual assault support services, visit or call the 24/7 crisis hotline at (800) 656-HOPE(4673).